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Open to new opportunities
Fixed term, Permanent contract
No remote work
Développeur qui aime apprendre de nouveaux concepts
OtherThénezay, France
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Je programme par passion. J'aime aussi bien l'apprentissage de concepts que leur application pratique.

Professional experiences
0.5 years of experience as Other (or similar)
stage développeur web
my-serious-game - ToursMar 2020 - Jul 2020 · 4 months

Typescript, React, Docker, CSS

2 years of higher education
Certificat - Devops2024
Centre de Formation Professionelle
Titre professionnel - Developpeur Web et Web Mobile2020
Langage de programmation
sept. 2015

Création d'un langage de programmation fonctionnel, imperatif et orienté objet, initialement interprété en ruby. Le projet continue d'évoluer après plusieurs années de travail.

avr. 2014

Herobook est un petit outil permettant la conception de jeux textuels de type histoire à embranchement.

Interested by...
  • English
Java - February 6, 2022Top 8% with a score of 2753 points
Python - February 6, 2022Top 9% with a score of 2682 points
Ruby (legacy) - July 24, 2022Top 16% with a score of 2764 points
Object Oriented Programming - February 6, 2022Top 3% with a score of 2834 points
Javascript - February 5, 2022Top 6% with a score of 2799 points
HTML5/CSS3 - February 24, 2022Top 11% with a score of 2620 points
SQL Data Design - February 5, 2022Top 8% with a score of 2753 points
React ⚛️ - February 5, 2022Top 3% with a score of 2691 points
PHP7 - July 23, 2022Top 7% with a score of 2932 points
Java - Fundamentals - February 5, 2022Top 6% with a score of 2870 points
General knowledge for developers - February 17, 2022Top 1% with a score of 2914 points
Vue.js - August 29, 2023Top 0% with a score of 2945 points
React (legacy) - March 3, 2022Top 10% with a score of 2710 points
Javascript - Fundamentals - September 27, 2022Top 2% with a score of 2886 points
Algorithmics - Fundamentals - April 11, 2022Top 7% with a score of 2775 points
Node.js - Fundamentals - July 24, 2022Top 9% with a score of 2886 points
PHP - Fundamentals - April 17, 2022Top 11% with a score of 2717 points
Python - Fundamentals - October 3, 2022Top 1% with a score of 2883 points
Database - Fundamentals - April 5, 2022Top 10% with a score of 2714 points
Object-oriented programming - Fundamentals - March 31, 2022Top 6% with a score of 2908 points
RegEx - March 15, 2023Top 12% with a score of 2869 points
SQL - Fundamentals - April 21, 2023Top 5% with a score of 3171 points
Typescript - Overview - April 3, 2023Top 11% with a score of 3100 points