Développeur par hasard. J'aime coder mais j'aime encore plus m'améliorer et apprendre de nouvelles choses sans forcément me spécialiser.
From an internal POC, build the company's MLOps system and
model registry for data scientists in a GCP environment
using FastAPI and Docker.
Implementation, in the internal data pipeline/scheduler,
of standardized machine learning functionalities such as
batch service or model registry-based computation.
Rebuilding an in-house project that helps dentists and
orthodontists with their treatments and prescriptions
using FastAPI, ReactJS and Docker.
Work with machine learning models to summarize and
translate scientific/academic publications and design the
application to help people carry out their
scientific/academic monitoring.
Development of the internal work platform for data
scientists in Python using Fastapi, ReactJS and Docker.
Creation of DO I ACCESS, an open source web browser
extension to help researchers, students and scientists
reach articles on Sci-Hub in VueJS.
No longer available due to legal issues.
Lead developer on the internal custom ETL for ticketing
data in Python using Flask.
Data manager with our third
party partners.
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