Question from the C++ test

C++: what is the output of the following code? `std::cout << &obj << std::endl;`


Consider a class MyType which defines a public function isType() as:

       	int isType (MyType& obj)
     	          	return (&obj == this) ? 1 : 0;

What is the output of the following? Object ‘obj’ of MyType is allocated statically and a pointer variable ‘objptr’ of type MyType is declared.

        	objptr = &obj;
        	if ( objptr->isType(obj) )
	                	std::cout << "&obj and invoking object match!!!" << std::endl;
	                	std::cout << "&obj and invoking object do not match!!!" << std::endl;
Author: Abha AgrawaStatus: PublishedQuestion passed 453 times
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