This code
public class Numerals {
private static final NavigableMap<Integer, String> CONVERSIONS = buildConversions();
private Numerals() {}
public static String toRoman(int arabic) {
return highestKnownConversion(arabic).map(toRomanRepresentation(arabic)).orElse("");
private static Optional<Entry<Integer, String>> highestKnownConversion(int arabic) {
return Optional.ofNullable(CONVERSIONS.floorEntry(arabic));
private static Function<Entry<Integer, String>, String> toRomanRepresentation(int arabic) {
return conversion -> conversion.getValue() + toRoman(arabic - conversion.getKey());
private static NavigableMap<Integer, String> buildConversions() {
NavigableMap<Integer, String> conversions = new TreeMap<>();
conversions.put(1, "I");
conversions.put(4, "IV");
conversions.put(5, "V");
conversions.put(9, "IX");
conversions.put(10, "X");
return conversions;
Author: Clément DevosStatus: PublishedQuestion passed 349 times
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