Test React Native (2023)

Test React Native with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

January 2025
12 minutes

React Native is an open source mobile application framework created by Meta. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, and web 4 by allowing developers to use React with the functionality native to those platforms.
In a nutshell, React Native is native development for web developers. In other words, it allows web developers to use their existing skills in React to develop native applications, while also providing a way for native developers to use their skills to build web applications using React.

This test validates your skills on:

  • The basics of components with JSX
  • Styling in React Native
  • JavaScript syntax for React Native
  • Platforms specific code
  • General knowledge about software engineering
This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 25 questions in React Native.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
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Test author : David Leuliette

David Leuliette is a freelance developer. He has over 15+ years of experience in technology, software engineering, design and growth hacking from small startups to large companies across multiple industries, especially fintech and education.

David was recognized by Human Coders as one of the 100 most influential and active designers in tech and entrepreneurship in France.

Read news about React Native https://davidl.fr/

The React Native Bootcamp for busy developers https://davidl.fr/bootcamp

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Sample question

How flexbox works in React Native?

See 25 test questions.

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